Find here a complete listing of all you need to know, about jewish and kosher life in Argentina
Sunday and national holidays - 09.00 AM
Monday and Thursday - 08.00 AM
Kabalat Shabbat - 8.00 PM
Shacharit - 10.00 AM
Mincha - 30 Min before sunset
Monday and Thursday - 08.00 AM
Kabalat Shabbat - 8.00 PM
Shacharit - 10.00 AM
Mincha - 30 Min before sunset
Events and Classes at Chabad Recoleta
Shabbat Services and Meals
One-on-One Classes with the Rabbi
Shabbat Services and Meals
One-on-One Classes with the Rabbi
Study Torah daily with our Daily Study portal. Lessons include: Chumash with Rashi, Psalms/Tehillim, Tanya, Rambam and Hayom Yom.
Observances, study, FAQs, videos, and music for all minor and major Jewish holidays, festivals and fast days.
One of the most sacred rituals observed by all Jews throughout the generations is the practice of reciting the Kaddish prayer for those who have passed on from physical life.
A Chabad House is a Jewish community center, serving the needs of the entire Jewish community, from the youngsters to the elderly, and everyone in-between. Find a Chabad Center near you!